John Lathrop

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“Accelerating the Gospel” is the motto for World Impact. It was inspired by the very heart provoking words of Carl F. H. Henry who wrote, “The Gospel is Good News only if it gets there in time!” So, how can World Impact get the Gospel to those living in Indonesia, the Far East and around the world? It is my pleasure and privilege to introduce to the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies Rev. John Lathrop, Special Assignment Missionary.

John is a graduate of Western Connecticut State College, Zion Bible Institute, and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary’s Center for Urban Ministerial Education (CUME). He and his wife, Cynthia, are blessed with five children and ten grandchildren. With twenty years of pastoral experience, a professor in the IFCA Bible College, author of four books as well as contributing to other books and major Christian publications, John is now being led to expand his ministry. As an IFCA’s Special Assignment Missionary, John will be our first visiting professor assisting our missionaries with the development of leaders and new believers through seminars, college classes and etc. With his various experiences and education, he will bring a Spirit-led expertise that is vitally needed today.

Brother John has opened a new mission field in which the IFCA can “Accelerate the Gospel!” He would be very glad to share with you this very important new missions’ opportunity. I encourage you to contact them.